Sunday was the elections. Many people had prayed for no bombs, and there weren't any. Colombia is a changed place. In the last three years the murder rate has halved and kidnappings have fallen by two-thirds. It gives Medellín a relaxed atmosphere. At night the streets are full of burger-eaters, cinema-attenders and boy-girl talk. By day, Olwen and I go out for walks with a freedom we've not known before. The big change has been caused by the disarming of the military who formed either guerrilla groups or self-defense forces. It's comparable to the ending of hostilities in Northern Ireland. Unsurprisingly, Alvaro Uribé has been reelected as president. He's a lawyer, educated in Oxford and Harvard, and a local Medellín University. His father was killed by guerrillas and the son has now successfully halted the military groups. He's a Margaret Thatcher kind of person, but without the curls, who´s strong on law and order, not so hot on pov...