Long distance taxi driver
The car journey from Tarapoto to Moyobamba takes two hours and is an unknown quantity. From the airport you take a motorbike taxi up to one of two garages and then wait. When there are four passengers for the journey, the car goes. I once had to spend an entire afternoon hoping that the extra passengers would appear, they didn't. As there were four of us with John and his friend Andy, I phoned one of the garages before we left Lima to see if they would pick us up at the airport. Being keen for the business they readily agreed to do so. We were surprised to find that the driver who met us said he could remember my name from years ago and recognised Olwen. It was from when he was a teenager living in the distant town of CelendÃn, where we had worked in the 80s. I vaguely remembered Silverio. He´d never been involved much in the church, and there had been an unresolved discipline case with his father. But now I found him to be a keen christian, with a like minded wife an...