The cereal bar which perisheth

It's not normal, but sometimes at the end of the year, students will present their teacher with a gift to express their appreciation. On Thursday, Olwen's class gave her a blue silvery top with matching jewellery in shiny wrapping paper, mine presented me with a 4 inch cereal bar (unwrapped). However we teachers do not work for the food which perishes nor for the hording up on earth of dangly earrings. Friday was Graduation Day. After five years of study and practice, 14 people with talent, enthusiasm and not too much theology in their heads, were officially named by the Republic of Colombia, as theologians. Nearly all graduates find employment within the church usually starting off as assistant pastors, some are sent to start up new churches, either way they'll be poorly paid and work long hours. When you meet them again they've suddenly matured, are not work shy and dare I say it, have become theologians. It makes it all worthwhile. Photo: What lies ahead for them?