4 minute egg

This morning I got my boiled egg just right. It takes exactly 1 minute longer than in Scotland - water boils at a lower temperature when at altitude. Doing things differently and crossing boundaries isn't easy. Last week's email photo caused the love-of-my-life to tell me clearly that such a picture was completely unacceptable. I apologize to those of you who also felt it went too far. Although, a Colombian colleague emailed me and asked when I took that photo of her. This week´s picture, taken not far from the Seminary, is typical of the Andes. A cross adorned with ladders, disks and odd parafanalia. Just an inoffensive cultural curiosity? Or is it christianized paganism with roots in the Conquistadors' brutal conversion policy of the indians. Olwen arrives back on Tuesday, so life will become more balanced and I'll stop experimenting with eggs. But I'll still be wondering what is offensive to the Almighty. Photo: Offensive or inoffensive to God?