Looking after camels

It´s been the strangest month of my life. Three advisore told me I had different medical crises including an instant death warning, there was a lump on my skin and then I was left on my own. It felt like I was a wannabe Job but without the camels There are two things which kept me sane. One was observing nature carefully. For instance watching a full moon appear between darkened clouds or noting the 12 different colour tones in street-side flowers or picking out the variety of bird songs. All drew my mind to the One who is their Maker and my peace-maker. And the other was reading the poetry of a man who went through a comparable emotional crisis, and survived. I memorized David's Psalms and repeated their wordsd in the night stillness. Of course, it really worked out well for Job in the end. And my advisors too have all proved wrong, the skin's healded and Olwen's at my side. Just missing the six thousand camels. Photo: Last weekend's Fruit and Flower Festival: and a po...