Anti-compartmentalized sandwich box crusade

Fitting in well: Colombia butterfly near our old flat One of the effects of long-term missionary work is gaps in your history. Recently I joined the Strathkelvin Ramblers. Before going to South America I had done a little hill walking, so I turned up confidently with my waterproofs, chocolate bar and bottle of water. But the missionary is soooo out of date. The sight of my fellow ramblers made me fear we were going camping. Their rucksacks were packed with what, I wasn't sure of, although one man had three pairs of gloves, another had compass, binoculars, and sat-nav as well as a water-proof map. Walking poles were produced, two per person, although it wouldn't have surprised me if some had a couple more, just in case. Maybe it's Bishopbriggs affluence, I said to myself. But no, other hill walkers were identical: pol...