Is church membership biblical?
Next translated offering from Ayuda Pastoral (Help for Pastors): Is it right to have a system of local church membership? What principles are there for a balanced view of such a membership? The New Testament does not give us detailed information about local church practices. We don’t know the times and forms of services nor what were the customs about admitting someone to church membership or even if such a list existed. These things need to be worked out in our own context. However there are some biblical principles involved: There existed a system of recognizing church members . Passages which deal with church discipline show that there was a way of knowing who belonged to the church (Matt. 18:17; 3 Jn. 1:10). Of the 75 uses of the word “church” in the New Testament, most refer to a local one with people recognized as belonging to it. Basic knowledge about Christ was required for membershi...