"Who will go for us?"
The following was received from Costa Rica: "Greetings to everyone, may our good Lord continue blessing you, my name is Aldron Castillo, married with 5 children. I'm an ex prisoner who was in jail for 11 years, although originally sentenced to 55 years. While in prison I received Christ as my saviour, and saw him doing mighty works to secure my release, but his greatest miracle was my salvation. Today I serve the Lord seeking to prevent crime. My wife and I travel 8-9 hours by bus in order to testify to others of the way Christ saves spiritually and physically and can be their savour too. We get no external help for this work either in literature or economically. In my country ex-prisoners carry on as before and no one believes that God could make such a great change. A lot of time is spent in preparing materials to give to peopl...