Disappearing black holes
Black holes are encountered by physicists and by Christians. Jeremiah and King Solomon met theirs. Our cleaning lady, Doña Marleny, met hers when two men said they were going to kill her only son. I hit mine last week with our visas about to expire and, despite much prayer, our missionary future uncertain.
Since January we'd been looking forward to settling in one home on the mission field; and buying a fridge that didn't leak and a bed that didn't bend our backs. We'd suggested to the Missions Board that this be in the Medellín Seminary. For 5 months now the matter of where we'd be best to stay has been under their consideration with little progress being made. This is understandable since they're dealing with such oddballs, but it meant our emotional resistance was eroded to vanishing point.
In the case of Doña Marleny she prayed that God would either convert the men or remove them. The next day one was imprisoned and the following day his accomplice was murdered.
Now we didn't ask Doña Marleny to pray for the Board. But she does pray for us, and even a small speck of divine light is brilliant in a black hole. And so the Board Secretary's comment that for the moment it would be fine to keep on our flat in Medellín and not pack up or give away all of our things lightened our hearts.
Later, as I walked past a busy road junction, I noticed that some rascal had painted graffiti in large letters. His message kept me thinking all the way home for it read, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me".

Today, Monday, we leave for Bogotá, Tuesday morning we fly to New York, and then overnight to Glasgow. After that ...
Doña Marleny with Doña Olwen
Since January we'd been looking forward to settling in one home on the mission field; and buying a fridge that didn't leak and a bed that didn't bend our backs. We'd suggested to the Missions Board that this be in the Medellín Seminary. For 5 months now the matter of where we'd be best to stay has been under their consideration with little progress being made. This is understandable since they're dealing with such oddballs, but it meant our emotional resistance was eroded to vanishing point.
In the case of Doña Marleny she prayed that God would either convert the men or remove them. The next day one was imprisoned and the following day his accomplice was murdered.
Now we didn't ask Doña Marleny to pray for the Board. But she does pray for us, and even a small speck of divine light is brilliant in a black hole. And so the Board Secretary's comment that for the moment it would be fine to keep on our flat in Medellín and not pack up or give away all of our things lightened our hearts.
Later, as I walked past a busy road junction, I noticed that some rascal had painted graffiti in large letters. His message kept me thinking all the way home for it read, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me".

Today, Monday, we leave for Bogotá, Tuesday morning we fly to New York, and then overnight to Glasgow. After that ...
Doña Marleny with Doña Olwen
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