Scottish ladies and drug pushers
Saturday night was a terrible night. The repetitive dance music started at 10 pm, by midnight the sound was so loud it had become distorted and by 8.30 am I was ready to machine gun the house concerned.
Next door to the Seminary's residential blocks is a passage way of houses which has been a place of drugs, criminals and death. For years every weekend its mega-decibel music saturated every room. Then about a year ago all went quiet. Well, apart from the odd incident of backsliding, like Saturday night.

The change has involved a variety of factors, including bravely petitioning the police. One contribution in improving Seminary-local community relations has been made by the ladies of the Women for Mission in Scotland. A year ago they raised funds for a children's library in the Seminary and now 100 youngsters are enrolled. They come from the immediate area, including the passage way.
It's been an educational achievement recognized with appreciation by the community council and also the city council.
Down the Panamerican Highway in Lima, Donnie is rejoicing over the £30,000 raised by the WFM for new students' accommodation. Ladies, you've done much more than you can imagine.
Classes finish on Friday. Yes, yes, yes.
Alan Garcia won in the Peruvian elections, the last time he was in power inflation reached 7500%.
Next door to the Seminary's residential blocks is a passage way of houses which has been a place of drugs, criminals and death. For years every weekend its mega-decibel music saturated every room. Then about a year ago all went quiet. Well, apart from the odd incident of backsliding, like Saturday night.

The change has involved a variety of factors, including bravely petitioning the police. One contribution in improving Seminary-local community relations has been made by the ladies of the Women for Mission in Scotland. A year ago they raised funds for a children's library in the Seminary and now 100 youngsters are enrolled. They come from the immediate area, including the passage way.
It's been an educational achievement recognized with appreciation by the community council and also the city council.
Down the Panamerican Highway in Lima, Donnie is rejoicing over the £30,000 raised by the WFM for new students' accommodation. Ladies, you've done much more than you can imagine.
Classes finish on Friday. Yes, yes, yes.
Alan Garcia won in the Peruvian elections, the last time he was in power inflation reached 7500%.
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