Reprogramming thieves

It´s been a busy week: classes finished, graduation is tonight and there's been five celebratory meals and three speaking engagements.
But the start of the week began from a different perspective. We went to see the project which Free Church children are raising funds for. It was one of those strange trips into the fringes of this 2 million population. We were told not to speak English on the bus, to walk quickly when we got off it and not to give anything to anyone. Unfortunately on the bus Christine had trouble switching off her camera flash as she recorded the 45 degree uphill journey. Thankfully she still has it.
In such communities a different civilization exists. The ethic is that you get what you want by begging or stealing. Some locals are so poor that they have never taken the 20p bus ride into the city centre. The church work amongst the children uses a system of encouragments so they learn that honest effort results in rewards.
Later in the week the New Testament class were round for breakfast, and one of the students, more in touch with reality and Jesus than us, prayed that "our fridge would always be full". Lord help me to see life from below.

Photo: Christine sharpens pencils while a NewTestament is being read
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