What Moody said

D.L. Moody once said, "If there had been a committee appointed, Noah’s ark would never have been built". One of the blessings of working in the Seminary is that I'm not on any committees. The worst it gets is the twice a year, end of semester, staff meetings.
Today we finished one of these two-day sessions having worked our way through the marks of the 114 students, and discussed reports concerning finance, admissions, publications, the library, maintenance and so on. Interesting enough, if you stay awake.
The rest of the year was enjoyably spent teaching in some way or other, except when Olwen got hold of me.
We fly to Scotland on Tuesday, and in the New Year will have a 3 month furlough: more committee-free bliss. Thank you Lord.
And thank you for your prayers over the past year. I know it's not easy taking an interest in someone working in a country you've never been to. We are most grateful to God that you've continued with us.
Photo: Vanessa in the Sewing room preparing for Christmas
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