Love your neighbour!
I left our flat early on Sunday morning and saw a wild looking youth urinating into the Seminary grounds. At a safe distance away the Seminary gardener looked on, worried.
There had been a coming-of-age birthday in the narrow house-filled alleyway next door to th
e Seminary. Music played all night, such that earplugs, shut windows and a pillow over my head were ineffective in allowing any sleep. The police came twice and decided to corral in the drunks and leave them to it. When the music stopped at 6 am, they fought amongst themselves. A gun was involved at some point.

The Seminary is situated in hardly the best part of the city. It's the kind of area where you need to be street-wise and not walk around with a laptop bag over your shoulder. Thankfully two evangelical churches, the children's library and the sewing room, witness to the gospel. But pray for more conversions.
And pray for our friend in Lima, Donnie Smith, who is to have surgery to remove polyps on Thursday at 8pm UK time.
Photo: Seminary residences to the right, neighbours to the left
Photo: Seminary residences to the right, neighbours to the left
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