No more Colombian coffee

It's been a bad time for the students. A week ago it was announced they would loose their free mid-morning coffee, that those who hadn't paid their fees would no longer be served meals and that no funds had arrived for student grants. Being £45,000 in debt the Seminary could no longer afford any more subsidies.

The thing that is noticeable is that we have not heard one student complain, and there's a hundred of them. They're not the type that would keep quiet.

What's more, Friday was the national Teacher's Day, and the students put on a meal for us, gave us a present, and not too offensively did impersonations of us.

In the hands of an amazingly wise God, the global financial crisis can bring about the unimaginable. And since the announcement not one student has gone without food.

Photo: Bit of a shock for 1st years


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