What would Calvin think?

The semester´s been finished 10 days and my time´s gone on reading, writing and typing. Reading up on John Calvin for a conference in July, writing for a couple of internet sites and typing to familiarize myself with new webpage software.
One´s colleagues are the secretary who checks my spanish, the man who organizes the conference and 2,350 subscribers in cyberspace. Today I received an emailed request for help. It was an ex-student struggling with what´s called, "double predestination": God chooses some and rejects others, so how can we be held responsible? Ugghhh... the world of Spanish theological education is like an octapus grabbing you painfully where you least expect it.
To add to this mix, some in the hermeneutics class produced a YouTube video on Literary Figures in the Bible http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xyPDyFhZZe0 and Olwen uploaded a Blog with a show of Zero Stress products http://www.olwenford.blogspot.com/ .
From Calvin´s church in Geneva missionaries were sent to South America, and it was awful for them. Thank you Lord things are so easy today. On Friday we leave for Lima for 2 weeks break.
Photo: Third year hermeneutics' students on YouTube
Photo: Third year hermeneutics' students on YouTube
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