What Henry Ford almost said

Last week was spent sorting out a forward plan for my history course: 48 one hour classes at midday. Augustine, Luther, Calvin and co. were neatly allotted their times; exams and projects were programmed. The afternoon before I started, I was told my class had changed; I would start next morning at 7 am with an hour and a half classes. An adaptation of Henry Ford's famous saying came to mind, "History planning is bunk" I was fortunate, worse had happened to Fiona the previous day. Years ago Donnie Smith advised me about coping with pastoral work in Peru: "Don´t have fixed plans. You go, see who turns up, and then start organizing". "All things work together for good" has to be super-glued into the mind of the missionary. Today almost twice as many turned up for the first class than was expected . Photo: Church History students in class