Like a Harry Potter scene

"The day never works out as you plan", commented Olwen as we walked the third mile home in the dark.

It was our last free day of the holidays and we had set out in the morning for a country park on the Central Highway outside Lima. But there were no buses about, in fact any buses that dared to venture out risked having their windows smashed. You could not even travel down the Central Highway because of stoning. There was a bus strike.

So we walked to the Pacific Coast which was covered in mist like a Harry Potter scene. On a cliff top restaurant we ate salads and then decided to continue along the Costa Verde to visit a family. The father had been a Peruvian pastor for years and now was almost completely paralysed with Parkinson's disease.

The one audible word he spoke that afternoon was "Amen" after we prayed. Sometimes you get an idea why days don't work out as you planned.

Photo: View along Lima's Costa Verde with the cross dominant


  1. Fabulous photo...hope you feel relaxed after your break at chez Bailey!
    Judy x

  2. Thanks Judy, having a great time doing nothing


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