3 tips for missionaries

To survive in missionary work you need to have your Bible at hand, take a daily siesta and see the funny side things. And the hardest of the three is seeing the funny side of things.

I have an inability to laugh at my own jokes, the nearest I get to it is the first play-back of a YouTube video made for the granddaughters.

But a visitor in this foreign country just has to walk down the street to be able to smile at what he sees: a girl plus her dog riding a motor-bike, his paws with her hands on the handlebars and she’s wearing stiletto heels; small boys on bicycles hanging on to the back of a lorry; and a scruffy car-windscreen cleaning lady whose got a policeman’s whistle and keeps blowing it to direct the traffic.

Of course a Colombian visiting the UK would find one or two things amusing. One of our students, Oscar, is about to start his practical year with Care Force at a church near Cambridge.

His reactions should be interesting, but of course, that’s England.

Photo: It's the end of Semester!


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