Jesus' puddin's

From the UK it is difficult to appreciate the lack of resources in the Spanish speaking world. For example, there are over 100 books in English on “The Trial of Jesus”. So far in Spanish I’ve located three: one written in 1842, one translated from French and another for those between 0-4 years of age.
It’s the same in the sewing world. If you want how-to instructions on making whatever by hand, there are hundreds of free YouTube guides in English. There’s almost nothing in Spanish, hence our recent efforts (now there’s fabric flowers:
This inequality is connected with a variety of factors like wealth, education, Biblical heritage and a philanthropic approach to our neighbour.
It also means sending people from Scotland to Peru and Colombia is well worth the cost. Puddin’s we might be, but if you don’t usually have one, they’re a welcome treat.
Photo: No wedding photographer, so everyone’s the photographer
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