Guess who was waiting for me

I'd to travel to Colombia on my own, as daughter Liz was soon to give birth to Julia and Olwen had remained behind.
Such a journey forces me to talk to different people. I met a young Bogotano with a red bandana round his head whose passion in life is street art. That's graffiti on walls, but his was an artistic and legal version. His mother sells motorbikes and he never told me what his daytime job was. We're hoping to meet again this weekend.
Then there was one of the lowest paid people in the Medellín airport hotel, who was digging up weeds. I soon found that his passion in life is Christ and he was listening to a sermon on a small pocket radio. He smiles a lot.
And finally there was the man who drove me to the Seminary: a fine Christian gentleman. He's a first generation believer so the old ways die hard: instead of "Gosh", "Really" or "Wow", he regularly comes out with "Ave Maria!".
The Psalmist writes about going to the ends of the earth and God being there. After a 22 hour plane ride I found him waiting for me.
Classes have started and there are 25 new students.
Photo: Recently painted Street Art, Medellín
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