What's worthwhile?
Although most of my work is teaching, an additional enjoyable job is that of supervising final year students' projects. This year I've 4 new groups.
One is looking at the effect of the reformation on Luther's music, another is doing a study of Lazarus' resurrection and comparing it with the portrayal by artists, a third group is examining the legality of Jesus' trials before the Jews and Pilate, and the last topic is that of the grace of God in John Calvin´s life and writings.
The most worthwhile thing students can do during their time in the Seminary is detailed work on the Bible and after that, learning from the Reformation.
This grounding should make them effective ministers, but more importantly, people who enjoy a supernatural peace.
Olwen, Rebecca and the girls plus friend Lynn are to arrive in the next few days: it’s uncertain when because wee Abigail has chickenpox.
Photo: Whether life crashes or not, you need a supernatural peace
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