Be published and be blessed

Every couple of months I publish an article on It’s a Spanish website that aims to explain the Bible and allows readers to comment.
Of those published, the one that has been stolen the most is: “The pastor and the prayers of Jesus”. It explains how our Lord prayed and what this means for the pastor. It’s now reappeared on 6 other web pages.
The article that has caused most comment is, “The strangest piece of information in the Gospels”. This is about 12 year old Jesus in the temple and 117 people have posted their responses.
But the one which has generated the most heated debate is, “When the pastor’s judgment fails”. It deals with the injustice Jesus suffered before the Jewish Sanhedrin and the danger too, of pastors’ not acting fairly. Hurt church members and the issue of ministerial training have dominated discussions.
Helping to prepare pastors would be an impossible job, if it weren’t for the intervention of the chief pastor of the church. And it’s just great that it’s not a thankless task, certainly not in Latin America.
Photo: Are grapes still a sign of God's blessing?
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