BIG challenge

Classes started back today. I teach the Synoptic Gospels at 7 am and Johannine Literature at 10 am. Each one has about 20 students and lasts 90 minutes – without a break. And you have to keep them moving: if you don’t control them, they’ll control you. So in my preparation I divide each class into blocks of 20 minutes with inter-active participation. Materials are then put on the Seminary web site for the keen ones to download.
At times I feel like an electrical current – all flow, and with the threat of an odd explosion. Students’ Bible knowledge varies: a third very good, and a third terrible.
The biggest challenge is keeping everyone, including me, focused. Once your mind enters the Biblical world there’s so much to draw your attention.
Jesus had the same problem with the sons of thunder and the impetuous, questioning followers. And I also suspect that those Galilean fishermen laughed as much as students did today.
Photo: Students studying John´s Gospel in class today
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