Riders in the skies

Closure of the Seminary was hoped for last week, at least in the dreams of the lecturers. It was three weeks before the end of the Semester and you felt you couldn’t produce another class. Today its 10 days to go, the end is coming and life’s lighter. Along with the 3rd years we’ve worked through the Greek of John, and now as a personal spiritual adventure, I’ve set out on the Apocalypse in Greek. Yale academic, Dale Martin, says its lousy Greek. He may be right, but as literature it’s unputdownable. Forget white-water rafting and bungee jumping, encounter brilliant white and red horses, mysterious scrolls, sky riders, secret seals, a terrifying lamb and “the one who sits on the throne”. Olwen´s life is in another orbit: dyeing strips, making aprons and bag fashions. Yet Zero Stress and Apocalypse have their same origin: the spirit of the Artist of the universe. A YouTube was produced for the WfM Annual Meeting: how such a collection of diverse ind...