Myths alive!

I was eating an orange on a balcony overlooking the Seminary grounds when I saw a Hobbit passing by. You could tell it was a Hobbit by its short body, unusual face and straggly hair. It had a large bag on its back and walked purposefully. Students nearby never even noticed.
For years I have puzzled over how to describe the Seminary. It has extensive grounds shielded by iron gates and encompasses a community of 100. On one side of the grounds there is a row of caves with small doors and dark interiors: although for administrative purposes they’re called houses. Now I know. So many of my colleagues have Hobbit like features, I wonder how I never saw it before.
Hobbits are kind, faithful and brave. Recently one was sent up a 60 ft high tree to cut it down branch by branch. Of course our myths tell us that it was a lowly Hobbit who saved the world.
Liberator Simón Bolívar said “America is ungovernable. Those who worked for her independence have ploughed the sea”. He didn’t know about the hope Hobbits’ can bring.
Photo: Hob… , strictly called a Seminary employee, on top of a 60ft tree
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