Bum bag guns

As I said it can only be downhill for the new President, Manuel Santos. On Monday his vice-President had emergency heart surgery, on Wednesday FARC detonated a car bomb in Bogotá and on Saturday morning ….
I forced myself to get out for some exercise. It was 6.30 and I’d just left the Seminary gates when two youngsters on a motorbike drew up. They pointed down at something: did I have odd socks on? No, I was being robbed of my wedding ring.
Funny how under pressure you do the wrong thing. I said, “Nope”. The assailant told his pillion passenger to get out something. As he started to unzip his fake-leather bum bag I suspected it was a revolver. Fortunately he hadn’t shared my miss-spent youth watching Lone Ranger films with its fast-shooting. By the time the bum bag was unzipped I’d got behind the Seminary gates.
City life has become notably more dangerous for everyone, we’ve even had to change our route to the supermarket.
I confess I don’t always do it, but that morning I’d prayed for protection before leaving. It was a good job: the State doesn’t protect you, but he will.
Photo: Not far from the Seminary: Bikes are cheap and popular with thieves
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