Can we do it?

I was supposed to have cancelled my classes for the last couple of days, but didn’t bother because I didn’t think it would happen - but it did.

These days have been absorbed in working out how to train 35 pastors and 400 leaders of a church that started in Honduras and is now in Latin America’s main cities.

There are 12 of us on the committee including a Costa Rican, Brazilian, Argentinean, Honduran, Peruvian, North American and Colombians. The denomination is administered from Miami. Jenny Boyd from Falkirk also arrived last week, but she’s not on it.

There’s plenty of other things for her to do.
Typically in South America, churches expand, even into thousands of members. And pastors, with no theological training, work using their wits, basic education, scripture memorization – and strong faith.

As I explain this, it makes you wonder how much we can help, but we’ll try our best.

Photo: Jenny starts to learn Spanish


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