Good Friday conundrums

Leaving St George's Tron after hearing
about "The Great Comfort of the Cross"
"Whet's happnin heir?" said the girl to Olwen as the crowds streamed out into Buchanan Street.      400 attended the no-frills-Bible-exposition Good Friday service in St George's Tron.  Auntie Margaret kept us two seats.

In the opening hymn we sang, 
Inscribed upon the cross we see
in shining letters,  "God is love";
But,  can you reduce "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews" to "God is love"?   Shouldn't it be "God is just".

But the verse finishes off:
He bears our sins upon the tree,
he brings us mercy from above.
Okay,   the hymn writer got it right. 

Now I wonder at the cross if someone asked,  "Whet's happnin heir?"


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