What happens when you update

At last I've updated the Spanish theological resources page, Recursos Teológicos

Each update brings a stream of emails from pastors and laity expressing thanks,  quite often in flowery language.   "Many thanks for the exquiste material" (mmm ... on Analogy and  Hermeneutics,  the construction of Christian citizenship,  and why did God use Samson?)

Sometimes they want more material,   even though the site has 100s of articles and books.  Particulary for help to refute the Prosperity Gospel - which is a megaproblem in South American churches.

And you occasionally hear from ex-students,  who make you sound as if you were the most wonderful teacher than ever chalked a blackboard.    I know it´s all blarney - but it´s exquiste all the same. 

Even a Scottish bus getting OTT 


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