Are gays gay?

It is argued that the institution of marriage is important for the good of society. Therefore even gay marriages should be viewed as a good thing.

This is a reasonable view but has significant flaws when compared with the Bible.

  1. According to the Scriptures, marriage is heterosexual in order that children might be born: “God blessed them and said to them, ‘Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it’” (Gen 1:28). 
  2. Romantic and passionate marital love is illustrated in Scripture as a heterosexual experience. The Song of Songs, the emotions of David and the marriage of Ruth are indicative of this. 
  3. Single people, such as Christ, Mary of Bethany and John the Baptist enjoyed a fulfilling life without being married. 
  4. There were severe warnings against homosexual practices. Male rape and male prostitution were condemned (Gen 19:5; Deut 23:17-18) Judg 19:22) as were homosexual practices (Lev 18:21-22; Rom 1:26-27). 

Outside of what is described in the Bible, homosexual passions were acceptable amongst the Romans during the early part of their Empire, but this was as an add-on within an existing heterosexual marriage.

So what do we say about Scottish gay marriages? What comes to mind is: bizarre, sad and ... not in the least gay.


  1. Anonymous6:11 pm

    Shame on you! This appears to show that you and your organisation are homophobic and small minded. Marriage pre-dates Christianity and other religeons and so cannot be used to define marriage. You are out of touch with the real world and should not interfere in the lives of others than your own believers. At least the Quakers take a sensible, humanitarian view: The decision Quakers in Britain
    made at Yearly Meeting 2009 in
    York to work for a change in the law
    to treat same-sex and opposite-sex
    committed relationships in the
    same way has given us countless
    opportunities to speak about
    the Quaker faith in the national
    media". (Ref: )


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